Child psychology

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Supporting children's emotional wellbeing, behaviour and healthy relationships.

What is Child Psychology and how can we help your child? 

Child psychologists work with children and their families to support children’s emotional and social development, behaviour, wellbeing, learning and resilience, and assist in identifying and supporting early developmental or mental health concerns.

We can provide support for:

  • parenting strategies
  • difficulties with emotional regulation
  • anxiety and worries
  • coping with change and transition
  • behaviour difficulties
  • sleep concerns
  • relationship difficulties
  • emotional resilience and confidence
  • learning difficulties.

Who can use this service?

We see children:

  • before they go to school
  • have mild to moderate developmental concerns
  • live or attend early years services in Merri-bek

If this child has more significant delays in their development, referral to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Early Childhood Approach (ECA) may be required.


There is a fee for some of our services.

Check our fees here.

Do I need a referral?

No. To access this service you need to be using one of our other Merri Health services including children's health, counselling, or Integrated Family Services.  

You can access our counselling service if your child is over 12 years. A referral is not needed.


See all locations.

Where can I get more information about this service?  

Call Service Access on 1300 637 744. They can help you with information about eligibility for services and advice on which service will help you with your needs.


This service is funded by the Victorian Government.

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