Webinar | Welcome to the Carer Gateway

Mikala at laptop w son

Published September 14 2020

Recorded 14 August 2020

The State Manager of Carer Gateway in Victoria, Vicki Down, hosts a presentation about Carer Gateway: what it is, and what services are available to carers. 

There were a number of questions, many around the subjects of service delivery regions, the registration process, which packages are available and who is eligible. Below, we have included a simple table of some of the questions and answers that time did not allow during the presentation.


Post-presentation Question & Answer session




Counselling Is carer counselling via Carers Victoria? No. The contract was previously held by Carers Victoria. It is now held by Merri Health and delivered via Carer Gateway. Many of the of the same counsellors can be still accessed by carers contacting Carer Gateway.  
Counselling Does the Carer Gateway offer relationship counselling or similar, for people who are caring for their partners, and are in need of some help in that area. Carer Gateway provides counselling to carers to help them in their caring role. This is either organised by the relevant Carer Gateway provider or through the 'Carer Gateway Counselling Program' (via telephone)
Counselling Are there any free relationship counselling services you can link people in with?  Carer Gateway counselling service can provide counselling to 2 people in a relationship where the issue relates to caring role/s.
Counselling What are considered appropriate for Carer Gateway counselling, SCP funded internal counsellors and external counsellors by brokerage using CG package? The Carer Directed packages are separate to counselling delivered by Carer Gateway
Counselling With counselling in COVID 19, is it now online? Are counsellors sourced from local area to where the carer lives? Counselling that is organise via a Carer Gateway service provider is offered remotely, either via video conferencing (zoom, skype etc.) or via phone. Counselling can be with a local counsellor if requested.
Counselling How many times a year can a carer access counselling? For both the 'Carer Gateway Counselling Service'  and counselling that is organised by Carer Gateway providers, six sessions can be organised. 
Carer Star There's been some technical difficulty receiving a copy of the Carer STAR outcome plan. Is this known and is there a fix? We are aware of this and endeavouring to fix it as soon as possible.
Eligibility Do you need an ACAS referral for respite for over 65s? No. You do not need an ACAS referral, or any other referral to access the Carer Gateway supports and services.
Eligibility Can carers access Carer Gateway if the care recipient is on a Home Care package? Yes. Carers can access Carer Gateway regardless of what supports the person they care for are receiving. E.g. Home Care Package, CHSP or NDIS. These supports are specifically for the care recipient rather than the Carer
Eligibility If the person you are caring for is getting assistance from a government package can you still get help from Carer Gateway? Yes. Carers can access Carer Gateway regardless of what supports the person they care for are receiving. E.g. Home Care Package, CHSP or NDIS.
Eligibility Is  the commonwealth funding means tested? No, it is not means tested.
Eligibility Does Carer Gateway support kinship carer/foster carers and young carers aged 12-25yrs?  Carer Gateway supports Young Carers from all backgrounds. 
Eligibility Can two people share the care of one person? Support is available to all carers, which may include families who share the caring responsibility  between two or more people. For example two parents who share custody of a child with a disability. In planning supports, Carer Gateway providers will always look to identify a primary carer. 
Eligibility Do you provide support for 'temporary' carers - carers looking after lung transplant recipients (usually a 3 month caring period post op)? To be eligible for Carer Gateway services, an individual's caring role must be ongoing, or likely to be ongoing, for at least six months. This does not apply in palliative situations.   Carer Gateway is happy to provide further information on other forms of support via the Carer Gateway telephone number 1800 422 737 .
Funding  We have State Carers Support for Carers Funding. We get referrals for home care assistance from Carer Gateway. If the Commonwealth offer this, why are we getting the referral? The Support For Carers program and the Carer Gateway program are two separate programs.  Where a carer is in receipt of  funding from both programs, assistance should be complementary.  
Funding  These services offered, are they paid for under Commonwealth funding or after assessment? Are you referring to Carers organisations who have state funding to put these in place? The services discussed in the presentation are paid for via the Gateway, which is Commonwealth funding. The Support For Carers Program is a separate carer program funded by the Victorian Government's Department of Health and Human Services.
Funding  I am a carer for my daughter. She is working from home during COVID-19 restrictions.
She has MI, Chronic illness and spinal arthritis.  She had to purchase an office/work chair for her home. Is there any funding to pay for such items under your funding programs? She may also need to purchase other furniture to support her spine etc.

The packages available through Carer Gateway are designed to assist carers in their caring role. These supports aren't designed to replace supports and services  available from other programs such as the NDIS. Each case is assessed on a case by case basis. Carer Gateway supports have been made more flexible due to COVID-19.
Funding  Are the packages independent of CHSP funded respite services? Yes, these packages are independent of one another.
General Can Carer Gateway be contacted 24/7? Carer Gateway is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. We also have an after hours service which can assist carers who require emergency respite supports
Packages Is the carer package paid for with Commonwealth funding through Carer Gateway or are they referred to State funding? The packages are paid for via Carer Gateway funding, which is funded by the Commonwealth government
Packages Could one of the packages be used to pay for a cognitive assessment  for a carer who needs their own NDIS plan? No. The packages are specifically for the carer.
Packages If you've received some carer directed supports this year, can you receive more next year and beyond as your circumstances demand? This is assessed on a case by case basis.
Packages What happens when a carer supports a person with high care needs and need higher support than the allocated support package? Each request is based on assessment of the individual carers needs. This assessment will  account for their individual circumstances and develop a plan which will look at a range of supports that may assist the carer including the allocation of a package
Packages Are the packages funded by Centrelink? No, the packages are part of Carer Gateway's services which are Commonwealth funded
Packages Is physical well-being such as massage etc. available under the Carer Directed Support Package? No the Carer Gateway does not fund massages however carers can utilise supports from a carer who can support them around their physical well-being 
Packages Our 38 year old disabled son has not been to work at Gen U since March. He is extremely stressed out with not being able to get out of home for work or socialisation. He has used up his NDIA funding for respite. Can he access some funding for some facility based respite? Yes, following carer support planning, eligible carers can receive a Carer Directed Package if this assessed as appropriate. This funding can be used for facility based respite.
Packages If you have a package do you still come under Carer Gateway services? You are still eligible for Carer Directed Support, even if the person you care for has a package such as Home Care Package or NDIS. The supports that funded through Carer Gateway are aimed at providing support for the carer, as opposed to the carer recipient.
Packages What is offered in the carer support package? The Carer Directed Package is based on assessment and planning.  Some examples of can be funded include  respite, cleaning services or assistance with shopping. A local Carer Gateway outlet will talk with you to assess your needs.
Packages Can you access this support and care package even if the person you care for has an NDIS plan and or age care package? Yes. The Carer Directed Packages are specifically for the carer.
Packages Does Carer Gateway assist Carers of a NDIS participant? Yes. 
Packages How I apply for funding? To have your support needs assessed, you need to register with Carer Gateway. Please phone Carer Gateway.
Packages What happens if the Carer doesn’t use all their package funds in 12 months? Packages are not rolled over.
Packages Are there any fees for the carer support person taken out of the package? No fees are not taken out of the package for carer support via the Gateway.
Packages What kind of services/equipment are considered appropriate for Carer Directed Package as opposed to Support for Carers Program (Vic)?  One off practical support enables carers without the need for ongoing support to access support. Examples may include the purchase of a laptop or a training course for a carer.  Carer Directed Packages - packages can be directed towards a range of practical supports to assist carers in their role. 
Packages If a carer has accessed funding elsewhere, but still have valid reason for needing support, are they still eligible? Yes, carers are eligible for support via Carer Gateway regardless of what other programs they have accessed in the past.
Packages What happens if there is more than one carer for a elderly person regarding who can receive the package?  Carer Gateway's main focus is providing supports to primary carers. However Carer Gateway can also assist multiple carers when two or more family members share the caring responsibilities. A  carer support worker will work with the carer to discuss how Carer Gateway may be able to assist
Peer support Does Carer Gateway support peer support groups & fund activities for carers? Carer Gateway has an online and in-person peer support group program.
Peer support Is the online forum the only peer support offered, or will there be peer workers as counsellors or similar? There will be face to face peer support services when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted/allow for this. Online is currently available.  Please contact your local Carer Gateway provider to discuss what options are available 
Regions Do you have a map of areas  who is providing services. Respite huge issue in rural regional Benalla Wangaratta Family Care are the Carer Gateway consortia partner in the Benalla LGA and Uniting Vic Tas are the partner in Wangaratta. If you contact the Gateway of the partners directly, they will connect you to services that are operating.
Regions I live in Brisbane and I care for my mum in Geelong. Before COVID I used to travel to Geelong frequently to stay with mum and help her with things. Since COVID I haven’t been able to do that and I get worried about mum a lot. Is there anything that can help me (and Mum)? As you live in QLD you are eligible for supports through Carer Gateway providers in QLD as eligibility is dependant on where the carer resides. Wellways Australia is the QLD Carer Gateway provider.
Regions Who are the providers in the Benalla Wangaratta areas? Family Care provide services in the Benalla region and Uniting Vic Tas are the providers in the Wangaratta region. 
Regions Who is the agency partner for the Doncaster area? Uniting Vic Tas are the consortia partner in the Manningham LGA.
Regions In the south east catchment Dandenong, who is the partner agency? Uniting Vic Tas are the consortia partner in the Manningham LGA.
Regions Who provides the service in Mansfield? Mansfield is covered by Family Care.
Registration So if you were registered as a Carer before you need to re-register? Yes. Please call Carer Gateway to register.
Registration So if you are linked with Merri Health do we still have to register with Carer Gateway? Yes, please register via Carer Gateway.
Registration Can a carer worker register a carer? Yes, provided that the carer has given consent to do so 
Registration Do you need to register with Carer Gateway by phone before doing the 8 module self-guided coaching on the website? No. 
Registration I’m an Assessor with My Aged Care. Can I contact your 1800 number to request a call back on behalf of the carer? I come across carers who are too overwhelmed or not capable of making the initial call or taking the first step themselves. Yes you can, provided by you have consent from the carer
Registration If you get carer payments from government, does that mean you are already registered with Carer Gateway? No, you need to register with Carer Gateway.
Registration If you care for more than more than one person do you register or access for each person you care for? You can register yourself as the carer regardless of how many people you care for.
Registration Can you register online or do you need to call? Carers can register on Carer Gateway website to receive a call back from the intake team,  however you can't currently complete the registration online.  We are working to set this option up for carers
Registration If I am speaking with a carer regarding services for a client and they are  experiencing high stress, can I take their details and forward them onto you or do they have to call you directly? Yes you can, provided you have consent from the carer
Registration When will it be possible to register online? Carers can register on the Carer Gateway website to receive a call back. 
Respite What would be the time length of respite - e.g. if the carer needed to go into hospital for a procedure. Each carer will be assessed on a case by case basis. In this instance a carer support worker would work with you to plan the respite  supports that you required. If the respite was due to an emergency such as a carer needing to go hospital the Carer Gateway can also provide emergency respite support to carers
Respite Can the carer access respite if they work? E.g. get someone to come into home to check on the person they are caring for? Yes. 
Respite Can respite workers take the care recipient out for a walk during respite shift? This is technically allowed, but would be a policy decision for the respite service provider.
Respite How many times in a year can carers access respite in a residential facility? Each individual carers needs and circumstances are assessed on a case by case basis. A Carer Gateway Support worker will talk with you to develop an individual plan which includes your  goals and priorities that  you'd like to work towards. This plan may include taking  breaks regular breaks for yourself.
In addition to this carers can also access up to 63 nights of residential respite at a heavily subsided rate of $52.25 per night. To access this  subsidised rate care recipients need to be assessed by My Aged Care.
Respite What is the maximum length of time a respite worker be with the person they care for This is dependant on the needs of the carer and person with care needs, and would be based on a carer assessment.
Respite How many weeks will Carer Gateway fund of residential respite care per year? There is not a set amount as each carer has unique circumstances and needs. A Carer Gateway Support worker will talk with you to discuss how we can assist.
In addition to this carers can also access up to 63 nights of residential respite at a heavily subsided rate of $52.25 per night. To access this  subsidised rate care recipients need to be assessed by My Aged Care.
Respite Do you have a choice as to who provides the in-home respite? Can you have your choice of worker with their own ABN like an NDIS self managed participant. The aim is to give a carer a choice of provider, however this is dependant on whether a service agreement is in place. 
Service Is there a current estimated wait time for the call back feature? Depending on demand, we can generally respond within 48 hours. However if there is an emergency respite request, please call the 1800 number.
Service How long will it typically take from contact with Merri Health till the regional service contacts? Depending on demand, we can generally respond within 48 hours. However if there is an emergency respite request, please call the 1800 number.
Service We live regionally, are the services readily available in regional areas. We have so much difficulty accessing any sort of services where we live Yes. The Carer Gateway provides services state-wide, and each region is services by one of the Carer Gateway outlets. These include: Metro area: Alfred Health, Merri Health, Uniting Vic Tas. Regional: Ballarat Health, Barwon Health, Bendigo Health, Family Care Uniting Vic Tas. Carers Victoria deliver Gateway services in the west metro region.
Peer Support What are some examples of in-person peer support? There are many carer support groups meeting online. Peer support group activities can be anything ranging from catching up for lunch to attending events.
Respite Do in-home supports include respite in home so carer can go out? Yes. They can include in home supports, community access or residential respite, depending on the needs of the carer.
Services How does the home cooking service work? Do they actually prepare and cook it for the carer? This supports is provided to give you a break from your caring role and can assist with preparing a meal or provide cleaning. This service is not expected to replace existing services such as meals on wheels for example