Published June 30 2020
Media release
Carers across Victoria have benefited from the Carer Gateway - providing easy access to a range of services and support during the COVID-19 health pandemic.
Carer Gateway, an initiative of the Australian Government, is a new, free service delivery model designed by carers, for carers – to help them get the support they need early, before reaching crisis point.
The new model comprises a regional network of Carer Gateway service providers, and modern digital services. Carer Gateway State Manager, Vicki Down, said that having support and information online is crucial to ensure that carers have access to help during the health pandemic - no matter where they are.
“These online services are providing vital access to regional and rural carers. Over the past few months, when physical distancing restrictions were in full force, Carer Gateway online services ensured carers had the support they need to look after their family members or friends with a disability, medical condition, mental health condition or are simply frail due to age,” Ms Down said.
“These groups are most at risk of COVID-19 so there’s been additional pressure put on carers to ensure that the people they care for are protected as much as possible from the virus. This online support, including telephone and digital resources, has been instrumental to not only equip carers with the information they need - particularly in terms of how the virus impacts their caring - but also for their own health.”
Following the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Victoria over the past week, the Carer Gateway remains committed to providing carers with online support and services they can access from within their own homes.