Published June 06 2023
With the cost of living rising, it can be difficult to make ends meet. It’s always good to have some tips and tricks up your sleeve to help stretch your money a little further.
If you are a carer in Victoria, you may be eligible for government payments and discount schemes that can help lessen the financial burden.
Carer Payment
The Carer Payment is for people who provide daily care to a family member or friend and are unable to work full-time due to their caring responsibilities. Carers may also be eligible for the Carer Allowance, a payment designed to help with the costs of caring for someone with a disability or chronic illness.
To learn whether you are eligible, visit
To claim a payment, visit and follow the instructions
Carer Card
The Carer Card provides you with discounts for different goods, services and activities such as public transport, movie tickets and other leisure activities for yourself or your care recipient. The Carer Card is available for carers who receive the Carer Payment or Carer Allowance, as well as carers who provide care on a voluntary basis.
As a carer card holder, eligible carers can get concession fares, free weekend travel and free travel during Carers week.
Find out more information at
Apply for a card at
Companion Card
If you accompany your care recipient to participating venues and events, you may be entitled to free admission. Find out more at
Victorian Energy Saving Bonus
To be eligible for the Victorian Energy Saving bonus, you must reside in Victoria and have a utility bill to your name, either an electricity or a gas bill. Follow the link to compare and check whether you are paying a fair price for your energy and get a $250 bonus in your bank account to put toward your bills. Please note, there’s only one application per household limit and you have until the end of August to complete the application. Complete the application at Victoria Energy Compare website.