Published October 19 2022
** Signal Award Winner - Branded Shows & Advertising, Public Service Category - Bronze
In a world where we like to put people into boxes, carers have proven incredibly stubborn to stereotype. Carers come from all different walks of life and the nature of care they provide looks incredibly different. Some individuals may have cared for a loved one for most of their life, whereas for others it could be for a short and potentially challenging period.
Merri Health’s Carer Gateway team have created a seven-episode podcast series showcasing the different experiences of carers across Victoria, including their backgrounds, ideas and aspirations.
The podcast, titled Care Mosaic, will also explore the challenges that unpaid carers face on a daily basis.
While making no attempt to gloss over the difficulties that carers experience, each episode of the podcast ends on a hopeful note, with Carer Gateway promoted throughout.
In order to stand-out from other carer focused podcasts, the episodes feature light narration and places emphasis on carers telling their own individual stories.
Each episode looks at a particular type of caring relationship, including young carers, carers supporting their ageing parents and carers who are partners - focusing on the nature of the caring relationship and how the care relationship features within other aspects of their life.
Merri Health has commissioned ThinkHQ agency to help promote the series and we are currently working towards a October 2022 launch.
You can access the podcast on all major podcasting platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.