Published March 03 2025
New name. More expert care. Same great services from the same friendly faces, at the same locations you enjoy now.
While our name has changed, our commitment to exceptional quality care remains the same.
We’ll walk alongside you every step of the way to provide care for every aspect of your health and wellbeing - physical, mental, social, financial and legal. You may see different care professionals, but they’ll all be working as a team for you, connected to Holstep Health.
Everyone is welcome, safe and included at Holstep Health.
Together we’re stronger
One of the main reasons we decided to join forces is that together, we’re stronger. As Holstep Health, we can offer services to a bigger area and have a bigger say in how health services work.
We now offer over 120 services to people across the north, north-west and north-east of metropolitan Melbourne, as well as statewide services with Carer Gateway and Gambler’s Help.
It will take time for us to fully combine and grow services across our 11 sites. We will continue to update you on our exciting next steps.
Make appointments the same way you do now
For appointments at West Heidelberg or Greensborough, phone (03) 9450 2000. For Brunswick, Brunswick West, Coburg, Preston, Fawkner, Glenroy and Wangaratta, phone 1300 637 744.
We look forward to welcoming you at Holstep Health!
Frequently Asked Questions!
Banyule Community Health and Merri Health have joined – together we are now Holstep Health. We’ve united to provide a healthier future for our communities!
We are stronger together, with great people, shared values, complementary services and a genuine commitment to our communities. As Holstep Health, we will be able to improve our community services and grow into the future.
Banyule Community Health and Merri Health officially merged in October 2024. In February this year we announced our new name Holstep Health. Holstep Health reflects our deep commitment to holistic, wrap-around care that supports every aspect of a person’s well-being—physical, mental, social, financial, and legal.
New name. More expert care. Same services, at the same locations, with the same friendly faces you enjoy now! Our name has changed and we have a vision to improve healthcare for our communities. The merger means we will be able to grow in the future. Together, we will have a stronger voice for our communities. We are excited about opportunities for our people to work and grow together.
Holstep Health will continue to provide services from their current locations and are deeply committed to servicing communities locally. Our intention is to maintain and/or grow our current programs and services; and for staff to continue to work from their current locations and community to visit their usual site.
No, we continue to provide our same services, with the same friendly expert staff, at the same locations you enjoy now. Some things are changing, but all the best bits remain the same!
You continue to make appointments in exactly the same way. For appointments and help at West Heidelberg or Greensborough, phone (03) 9450 2000 and for Brunswick, Brunswick West, Coburg, Preston, Fawkner, Glenroy and Wangaratta, phone 1300 637 744.
No. Nothing is changing for fees and billing. Fees may change in accordance to standard practices and costs over time.
Currently, West Heidelberg Community Legal is only funded to help those living in Banyule or Nillumbik. But if they cannot provide you with legal assistance, West Heidelberg Community Legal intake and access staff and volunteers can give you information about where you can get legal help. They can be contacted on 9450 2002.
Over the next two years, services across all our locations will begin to come together. Currently we are unable to refer patients across from West Heidelberg to our other locations in Coburg, West Brunswick, Fawkner, Preston, Brunswick and Glenroy (and vice-versa) but we are looking forward to being able to do so more easily in the future.