We’re Game! New program tackles violence against women through sports

IMG 2280

Published July 05 2022

Game On! Merri Health is launching a new program ‘We’re Game!’ to help tackle gender inequality and prevent violence against women through sports.

Under the program, Merri Health will support sports and leisure settings in Moreland to create an action plan to promote gender equity and tackle harmful behaviours and attitudes in their organisations.

Merri Health is partnering with Active Moreland (YMCA), Women’s Health in the North, Moreland City Council, Tennis Victoria, Coburg Football Club and Swinburne University on the program.

We’re Game! is one of 12 initiatives to successfully receive funding through Sport and Recreation Victoria’s ‘Preventing Violence Through Sport’ grants program.

Jillian Dent, Merri Health Community Wellbeing Manager said, “We’re Game! will harness the power of sport to drive change in Moreland, recognising that addressing gender inequity is key to reducing gender-based violence across our community.”

Working together with partners, program activities will include:

  • reviewing their culture, governance, leadership, facilities and practices (in line with the Guidelines for Preventing Violence against Women: Taking action Through Community Sport, an evidence-based framework)
  • engaging community members to inform what changes could be made within a setting
  • co-designing new projects that address priorities or concerns in the setting
  • training and building skills in preventing inequality and gender violence in sport for staff, volunteers or leadership
  • creating new policies
  • creating a plan to sustain change into the future. 

We’re Game! will also promote shared learning between local sports and leisure settings, and the broader sports, gender equality and violence prevention sectors.

Swinburne University will evaluate the project, which has been funded to June 2024.