Over 1220 Moreland residents vaccinated in 2.5 weeks!

Barkly Street Resident Talking To Nurse Before Vaccine

Published June 07 2021

Over 1220 Moreland residents vaccinated in 2.5 weeks!

Over 1220 residents across the Inner North, including some living in a high-density housing tower, have been vaccinated in the last 2.5 weeks, following a unique partnership between Merri Health and DPV Health.

“Community Health organisations like ours have local knowledge and relationships on the ground in communities, and we are uniquely placed to help achieve Victoria’s vaccination targets.” Tassia Michaleas, Merri Health CEO

Coburg Vaccination Hub

Merri Health and DPV Health, partnered to open the only pop-up COVID-19 vaccination hub in Coburg on Thursday 13 May, making it easier and more convenient for Moreland residents to get vaccinated.

Since opening, the number of people arriving to get vaccinated daily has climbed from five to more than 140. Last week alone (Mon-Fri), over 630 people were vaccinated. To cater for this increasing demand, the hub has been extended until 11 June and will reopen Wednesday 4 August – Friday 3 September. 

The hub, at The Uniting Church in Coburg, is administering free AstraZeneca vaccines to people aged 50 and over, or those eligible with a doctor’s referral. Merri Health and DPV worked closely to find a venue and open the doors with only a few days’ notice after recognising the need for a local vaccination centre.

“More and more people are turning out to get vaccinated at the Coburg Vaccination Hub each day. It’s made it quicker and easier for people in Moreland to get their COVID-19 vaccine and we’re proud to partner with DPV Health to help keep this diverse local community healthy and safe." Tassia Michaleas, Merri Health CEO

Mobile Vaccination Clinic at Barkly Towers

Merri Health, DPV Health and Merri Outreach Support Services (MOSS) have also partnered to bring vaccinations to the doorstep of some of Melbourne’s most vulnerable residents, with a mobile vaccination clinic at high-rise Barkly Towers in Brunswick.

72% of residents were vaccinated, through the engagement and on-site support of Merri Health and MOSS, with many facilitated by the mobile vaccination clinic from 24- 26 May. To reduce vaccine hesitancy, Merri Health and MOSS visited residents ahead of the mobile clinic, to talk about the Covid-19 vaccine, answer questions, help them book and discuss other services to support their wellbeing.

"Sharing the care packs throughout the building with all the necessary information and treats as well as PPE has given the tenants faith that services are aware they are in the area and they are not left alone. This has been very important during this COVID period.” Shirley Spooner, MOSS Program Manager

Barkly Tower resident talking with nurse before their vaccine.

“Being informed about the vaccination, receiving our care packs and having conversations with the staff about the vaccine made me feel more comfortable in having this vaccination as I was a bit scared. Once I received the vaccination, the care that MOSS and Merri Health staff as well as DPV Health gave me, I felt reassured that I was going to be ok.” Milagros Milne, Barkly Street resident

“Many people are concerned about COVID-19 and keen to get vaccinated but struggle to get out due to health issues, caring responsibilities and other barriers. We’re proud to bring Covid-19 education and vaccinations right to the doorstep of vulnerable residents to keep them and our wider community safe in partnership with DPV Health and MOSS.” Tassia Michaleas, Merri Health CEO

High-Risk Accommodation Response (HRAR)
The vaccination support is part of Merri Health’s ongoing High-Risk Accommodation Response (HRAR) work – a State Government initiative to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in public housing and other high-risk accommodation with shared facilities.
Under the HRAR Moreland initiative, Merri Health has supported residents, public housing landlords and managers at 161 properties, including: rooming houses, low rise public housing, high rise public housing, community housing and supported residential services.
Activities to help residents prevent, prepare for and respond early to COVID-19 include:
• door-knocking individual residences, speaking to managers
• delivering care packs including masks, antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser
• providing COVID-19 Infection and Prevention Control advice and support
• mock drills
• PPE training, kits and supplies
• COVID-19 safe plans;
• outbreak management plans
• discussing COVID safe principles with residents and links to other support services
• participating in DHHS safety walks

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