Tooth decay on the rise for school aged children

Moreland Leader Image only S4M Moreland dental stats Oct19

Published October 21 2019

Public dental at Merri Health is urging parents to support good oral health as more than half of school aged children in Moreland have tooth decay or are missing a tooth.

Statistics 2018/19 from Dental Health Services Victoria show that 29 per cent of children aged 0-5 years and 59 per cent aged 6-8 years in Moreland using public dental services have at least one decayed, missing or filled tooth.

Merri Health’s oral health therapist Ann Dinh said tooth issues can lead to other problems.

“Children with tooth decay and poor oral health can have trouble eating, sleeping and paying attention.

“If left untreated, tooth decay is serious and can result in hospitalisation.”

In Moreland, tooth decay is five times more prevalent than asthma.

Offering local support, Moreland kindergartens and childcare centres can take part in Smiles 4 Miles, a program that offers oral health education based on the messages Drink Well, Eat Well and Clean Well.

“We help children develop good oral health habits for life. Glenroy Memorial preschool recently received their Smiles 4 Miles completion award that saw 72 children graduate,” said Ann.

Enquiries about Smiles 4 Miles can be directed to Ann Dinh on 1300 637 744.

Image: Amelia, Toby and Razanne feature in the Moreland Leader, Mon 21 October 2019. Photographer: Andy Brownbill.