R U OK? Mental health support

One on one4

Published September 14 2017

Are you ok? are three words that can take you one step closer to supporting a colleague, family, friend or neighbour in need.

Are you ok? day is today, a day that highlights the importance of asking this question to someone that may be in need of support, who may be going through depression, has changed behavior or may be at risk or harm.

How do you know when to ask?

You may have noticed a change in behaviour in someone you know; they may stop answering or returning calls, going to gatherings or catching up with others, their behaviour or mood may have changed or they may be withdrawn.

You may not get them to open up straight away, but it's important to let them know that you care and that you're there for them if they need it.

What happens if someone opens up?

  • Listen to them
  • Have an open mind
  • Do not rush or interrupt them

What if they deny it or tell you there is nothing wrong?

Don't push too hard - they may not be ready to talk, they may feel embarrassed or it may be too personal. Let them know that you're there for them if they need to talk.

Where to get help

There is lots of support available.

Lifeline - 24 hour service, Monday to Sunday

13 11 14

beyondblue - 24 hour service, Monday to Sunday

1300 224 636

Mensline - 24 hour service, Monday to Sunday

1300 78 99 78

We have a whole team dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our community. Our mental health support team can help with:


Drop-in support 

Support for victims of crime

One-on-one support

Group activities to connect you with others, like painting, computer classes, music and more

Support for residents living in a Supported Residential Service


Tips courtesy of R U OK? Mateship Manual.

Download this and other resources to help you ask the question here.