Preventing elder abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day WEB FINAL

Published June 12 2024

Did you know that 1 in 6 older Australians experience some type of abuse? 1

Elder abuse can be financial, emotional, psychological, physical, sexual or social. It might happen just once or repeatedly, and its impact can vary. 

Merri Health is proud to lead the Elder Abuse Prevention Networks in the North and West to put an end to elder abuse, and we're excited to unveil a new logo for the networks!

Today, we marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day with over 100 older people and members of the North Network at a free event designed to boost confidence in decision making. 

Attendees got tips from special guests Gerard Mansour, Yvonne Lipianin, Jack Intziadis Jacinta Parsons and local organisations on:

  • budgeting 
  • Concession entitlements and financial hardship 
  • tech support 
  • legal aid 
  • staying connected with the community
  • planning for the future and much more! 

Next Thursday, we're kicking off a special community craft project called Silver Threads and Golden Needles celebrating the strengths of older women, hosted by the West Network. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, please contact Seniors Rights Victoria free confidential helpline on 1300 368 821, 10am 5pm Monday-Friday. 

1 AIFS. National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study, 2021 | Australian Institut e of Family Studies (Internet). 2021 [cited MAY 27]. Available from