Moreland locals take out 2017 Victorian awards

W188 VicHealth Awards 0856 web

Published December 18 2017

Moreland volunteer and a local sport participation project have taken out this year’s state-wide awards.  

James Simpson volunteers with Merri Health’s Healthy Mind Hub, supporting locals’ mental health through music.

James was awarded thePremier’s Volunteer Champion Awards in the impact category for his work.

“I lead a community singing group with guitar and I’m there for the participants. We’re a group of locals that get together, enjoy each other’s company and make music.

“The work I’ve done here has honestly been life changing. The most important thing I’ve learnt about volunteering is the importance of making a connection with people,” James said. 

Local sport participation project for refugee and newly arrived young people took out this year’s VicHealth awards for building health through sports.

Since September 2016, Count Me In has reached 172 children from 28 local schools and nine countries. The project improves the physical and mental wellbeing of children and young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds by linking them into sports clubs.

Congratulations James and to all involved in Count Me In!

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