Leadership support for Urdu-speaking women

Urdu women group5

Published March 06 2017

Moreland’s Urdu-speaking women’s group will continue for another two years thanks to a new grant supporting the growth of culturally diverse communities in Victoria. 

The group who meet in Fawkner has been running since 2015, providing newly arrived Urdu-speaking women with community support and social connectedness.

Community development officer at Merri Health Sadia Muhammad said the group addressed isolation and mental wellbeing, with more than 200 attendees from Moreland and beyond.

“It’s wonderful to be able to support newly arrived women to connect with Moreland’s wider community. When you have no one to turn to, this group can mean the world of difference,” Ms Muhammad said.

The group meet fortnightly for social activities and education via professional guest speakers.

Merri Health has received $68,000 to support the group to build leadership, further increase social connectivity and prevent family violence through education.

“I don’t know many Pakistani people but have now met a lot of ladies. It’s been good to socialise. If anyone has a similar problem, they help each other out,” said a participant of the group.

The group was started by local women Sadia Muhammad and Sarwat Nauman in 2014.

Women are encouraged to join the group by contacting Sadia or Sarwat in Urdu or English.

The grant is supported by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria.

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