Published May 28 2024
We're proud to support National Reconciliation Week (27 May - 3 June), and the opportunity to learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements.
Merri Health is strongly committed to closing the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and non-Indigenous people, as well as supporting reconciliation through initiatives that promote respect, equity and recognition.
“To ensure we have meaningful outcomes, respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their culture and knowledge must remain central to our work,” Merri Health CEO Tassia Michaleas said.
Each year NRW falls between 27 May and 3 June, two significant dates that are important milestones in the journey. The successful 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
The theme 'Now More than Ever', reminds us that the important work continues in truth-telling, treaty making, understanding our history and tackling racism. Find out 5 ways you can get involved below.
This NRW, Merri Health joined anti-racism campaigner and AFL legend Michael Long to support reconciliation and celebrate 20 years The Long Walk advocating for Indigenous rights and fighting racism in sport.
We were also thrilled to welcome Lee Couch, Aboriginal Health and Wellness Facilitator. Lee guided us through Wayapa Wuurrk 'Connect to Country', immersing our staff in a rich cultural experience. We gathered in a yarning circle, explored Wayapa movements, learned about the 14 Elements and finished with a powerful Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung song.
Want to show your support for reconciliation? Here's 5 easy ways how.
- Deliver an Acknowledgement of Country in gatherings or meetings.
- Celebrate culture! Attend an event or host your own! See what NRW events are near you.
- Broaden your knowledge base – subscribe to the Koori Mail or watch a film!
- Be a brave ally.
- Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. Contractors, suppliers, producers, catering, gifts, the list goes on!
See more about our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Reconciliation Australia said: "Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples".