Improved services for older people

MARC Forum v2

Published June 24 2024

Waiting for services gets harder as we age and can have a domino effect on other areas like mental health.

We proudly hosted 30+ aged care professionals and consumers at a forum in May in partnership with the Melbourne Ageing Research Collaboration (MARC) to research the evidence and impacts of waiting for services for older people.

Consumers shared their experiences and participants workshopped solutions. 

Led by the National Ageing Research Institute, MARC is collaboration between health, research, aged care and advocacy organisations. It aims to provide practical, innovative solutions to urgent issues affecting older people, their carers and health professionals.

In collaboration with MARC, Merri Health last year produced a new training resource to help aged care staff recognise the signs of prolonged grief disorder which affects 21% of bereaved older people.

It includes 10 micro-learning lessons available on the user-friendly mobile app EdApp. Results show it has increased staff confidence to support adults with prolonged grief disorder.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with the National Ageing Research Institute and the MARC, and to sharing the forum outcomes soon!

Pictured: Merri Health consumers Semia and Kris shared their experiences waiting for services.