Published October 20 2021
Being physically separated from friends, family and colleagues, with no clear end in sight, can have a significant impact on your mental health and wellbeing.
Living alone does not mean you are alone.
It is normal to feel stressed during these times, but remember there are people you can talk to. Look after yourself and reach out if you need help.
Here are some useful tips for living alone in lockdown:
Stay in the present moment – if you are having a difficult day, try not to think too far ahead as this can make you feel overwhelmed. Instead concentrate on the next step, it’s okay to take things on small step at a time.
Be kind to yourself – remember it is a challenging time and it's okay to have struggles.
Make a playlist of your favourite songs – listening to all your favourite songs can help you feel relaxed while at home.
Make a plan – now that most of us have been working from home for a long time, the days can sometimes become a blur. It can be helpful to plan your day in the morning and write it out. Having a simple plan can help your mental health to be clear and hold yourself accountable for the tasks you need to complete. For those of us still working onsite, this still applies. Make a plan on how you are going to structure your day.
Set achievable goals – it’s good to keep a routine and set some goals, they don’t need to be big. It could be as simple as clearing out your wardrobe or reorganising that messy drawer in the kitchen. Having goals will give you something to do and promote a sense of satisfaction or enjoyment.
Get creative – tapping into your creativity side can help find new ways to be entertained. This could be reading a book, painting or listening to a podcast.
Connect as much as you can – while we can’t physically see our friends, find other virtual ways to connect with your friends or family. This could be through a virtual movie night or dinner date and make time to have these connections.
Get in the kitchen – even if you aren’t good in the kitchen, find a new recipe you want to try and get cooking. Bake your favourite cake or try a new pasta recipe.
Get outside – you don’t need to pressure yourself to do any extensive exercise. Get outside and move in whatever way feels good to you, this could be dance, meditation, walks etc. While being at home, it is important to get fresh air and natural sunlight on your skin.
Do something for yourself – you don’t always have to set goals, do something that you enjoy! Whether that be getting a new indoor plant or watching a movie, it doesn’t have to be complicated.