Fawkner: free lawn bowls for women

lawn bowls web

Published March 18 2019

Join us for free lawn bowls this Friday, 22 March in celebration of This Girl Can week.

This Girl Can week (18-24 March) encourages women to get involved in sports or get back to doing physical activities they enjoy. 

This Girl Can Victoria reports that there are many women that do not get involved in physical activity as they are worried about being judged, or that they are not fit enough. Together, we're working to make sure everyone feels welcome to exercise at their local space. 

Join us this Friday for light exercise with lawn bowls, morning tea and great conversation.

When: Friday, 22 March
Cost: free
Time: 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
Where: Fawkner Bowls Club at Charles Mutton Reserve.

For information call 1300 637 744 and ask to speak to Nazish Khan.