Fawkner women take on tennis

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Published January 17 2020

Count Me In Too encourages women and girls from different cultural backgrounds to get involved in sport.

As part of Count Me In Too, a partnership project between Merri Health and Moreland City Council, 16 women and girls from culturally diverse backgrounds gathered at Fawkner Tennis Club on Sunday 15 December to participate in Tennis Victoria’s Open Court Sessions Host Training. The training provided an opportunity for women and girls to be trained to facilitate sessions at the club.

The facilitation training was delivered by Tennis Victoria following a four week social women’s-only tennis program, held at Fawkner Tennis Club over September and October. The program supported more than 30 women and girls each week to come and try tennis. For some participants, this was the first time they had played sport outdoors.

The program was social in nature, encouraging participants to pick up a racquet and give tennis a go. Families had the opportunity to get to know each other following the session over afternoon tea.

At the end of the program, participants provided feedback to Fawkner Tennis Club, Merri Health and Tennis Victoria, and expressed their interest to continue social play on Sundays. Many women and girls were also interested in commencing group coaching sessions. A total of 16 individuals and families registered as social members of the club and 13 girls and women registered for group coaching sessions. Following the Count Me In Too tennis program, membership at the club increased by approximately 20% in just five weeks.

Those who joined as social members, were inducted to the club. This included learning how to care for and maintain the courts, opening and closing procedures, and caring for the club house.

The facilitation training provides women and girls with a pathway to take on leadership roles within the club and will assist in facilitating the ongoing delivery of women’s social play sessions.


To find out more, call 1300 637 744.

The Count Me In Too Project is supported by the Victorian Government and the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit www.dpc.vic.gov.au or www.dss.gov.au for more information.