Family Foundations - finalists in the Victorian Early Years Awards!

Vic Early Awards finalist 1

Published November 18 2021

Pictured: Merri CEO Tassia Michaleas.

Congratulations to our Family Foundations team for being named a finalist in the Victorian Early Years Awards.

The ceremony was held on November 10, and Family Foundations was one of 19 finalists, and one of three in the "Supporting Parents to Build Their Capacity and Confidence" category.

Carolyn Wallace, General Manager of Family and Community said to her team,
"This is quite an achievement and recognition of your work. We didn’t win but we are winners anyway, and being finalists is validation of the high standards and impact of your work. Thanks for the difference you all make for parents, carers and children."

Family Foundations is a 10 session program that supports new parents to build stronger relationships with their baby and their partner, with a focus on engaging fathers in the process. 

The program offers a time out from daily struggles, and offers a focus on connection, communication and relationships.

Well done to the team for being recognised for their support for new parents!