Detecting and treating diabetes

Published July 12 2017

This week is National Diabetes Week. We stress the importance of early detection and early treatment for all types of diabetes as a way of managing or preventing Australia's fastest growing chronic disease.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented but getting to know the signs early on can help avoid complications. Too many Australians are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes too late, with over 600 people ending up in hospital emergency rooms each year to later find out they have type 1 diabetes. 

If something doesn't seem right, talk to your health care professional or doctor.

Type 2 diabetes

Prevention and knowledge of type 2 diabetes and it's symptoms is extremely important.

Up to 500,000 Australians may have silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. They may have type 2 diabetes for up to seven years before it is diagnosed.

During this time type 2 diabetes may be damaging their blood vessels and nerves and causing vision loss, amputations, heart attacks, stroke and kidney damage.

Although type 2 diabetes is partly genetic, our diet can play a big part in prevention. Many Australian find reading food labels confusing - monosaturated fat, polysaturated fat. Isn't fat just fat?

Our diabetes educators have shared a resource to help you make sense of food labels.

The Department of Health also have an online assessment that can be done to see if you are at risk of getting diabetes.

If you have diabetes or are at risk of getting diabetes, call us on 9388 9933. You may benefit from seeing one of our dietitians or diabetes educators.