COVID-19 updates for Victorians

COVID header newsletter

Published June 22 2020

There have been a few changes over the weekend, as Victoria works towards slowing the spread of coronavirus and keeping everyone safe.

Changes to restrictions

The State of Emergency has been extended until 11.59pm on 19 July 2020. Restrictions for household visitors and public gatherings have also changed.

  • You can only have up to 5 visitors in your home
  • Outdoor gatherings can have up to 10 people
  • Restaurants, pubs, auction halls, community halls, libraries, museums and places of worship can have up to 20 people in any one space, until the 12 July
  • Gyms, cinemas and theatres can reopen, with a maximum of 20 people

This doesn’t mean you can’t see others. If you need to, you can (within the guidelines) but remember to stay safe: keep your distance, no handshakes, no hugs and maintain good hygiene. Don’t share food or drinks. Avoid crowds. And if you’re unwell – stay home.

Stay up-to-date

Click here to stay up-to-date of what you can and cannot do.

How to stay safe

Click here for information on staying safe. 

Get tested

Get tested if you have symptoms: fever, chills or sweats, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose and/or loss of sense of smell. It’s free.

Find your nearest drive-through testing site and more information here.

Need advice on symptoms?

Call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.

Seeing your GP or health professional

If you are unwell, make sure you call ahead and discuss your symptoms before you visit in person.


For resources in your language, click here.

Visiting our sites

Four Merri sites are currently open for face-to-face support. You will need to make an appointment before visiting. 

  1. 93 Bell St. Coburg
  2. 79 Jukes Rd. Fawkner
  3. 11 Glenlyon Rd. Brunswick
  4. 5D Cromwell Street. Glenroy

Before entering these sites, you will be asked whether you are unwell or have a fever, about your travel history and whether you have had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case. You will also have your temperature checked.

If we have any COVID-19 concerns, we will let you know – please follow our team member’s instructions.

These processes have been introduced to keep you, our team and broader community safe and well.

What we've put in place

When visiting for your appointment, our sites may look a little different. To keep everyone safe and practice social distancing, we have:

  • spaced out of visitor chairs so you are 1.5 metres apart 
  • introduced new signage to let you know what social distancing measures are in place at each site
  • introduced safety screens to our reception areas
  • marked the floor to guide you on staying 1.5 metres apart
  • limited the number of people per room
  • hand sanitiser for use
  • introduced more hygiene cleaning across our sites
  • had all staff do extra hand hygiene training 
  • contactless pay available


Our drop-in support is available for everyone as over-the-phone support, Monday to Friday between 1pm and 3pm. Call 1300 637 744 to access. 

If you are aged 50+ and experience anxiety and/or social isolation, get in touch with our Living Well, Ageing Well team. If you are 65+, get in touch with our Stepped Care program. Our teams will identify how we can best support you during this time. 

We're also regularly sharing resources and information on our Facebook page here.

If you have any questions or concerns, call 1300 637 744 or email