COVID-19 Fawkner test site: Frequently Asked Questions

Published June 29 2020

Updated: 8 September at 1.45pm 

Following the first weekend of testing in Fawkner, we've rounded up Frequently Asked Questions. These are specific to the COVID-19 Fawkner test site and may not apply at other testing locations. 

The information is correct at the time of publishing but may change. Check back here for the latest updates.


As of August 2020, eligibility for testing at Fawkner has changed. Click here for updated information. 

Fawkner residents

Who can get tested?

You can only be tested if you have one or more symptoms, even if mild. Click here to find out about symptoms.

If you don't have symptoms, you will not be tested, even if you have a letter from your employer, school or community group asking that you be tested. 

There are some exceptions to this – to get further advice, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or call your general practitioner.

Who does the test?

Testing at the current mobile site is done by qualified staff from local clinics.  

I don't have a student ID or driver's license. Can I still get tested?

Yes, instead bring one form of identification, like a your passport or transport concession card. 

The testing clinic does not need to know your visa status.

What should I do after getting tested?

You must return home immediately after the test. You must wear a face covering on your way home. Do not make any stops on your way. There is a risk that you could have coronavirus (COVID-19) and could spread it to other people. You must remain in self-isolation at home until you find out your test result. For more information on self-isolating, see ‘What does quarantine or isolation involve?’ on the Quarantine and isolation page.

There is no need for others in the house to quarantine unless you are confirmed to have coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are sharing a house with others, see ‘What if I live with someone who is in quarantine?' on the Quarantine and isolation page for more information.

Can my child get tested at home in Fawkner?

Yes, the nurse visiting your home will be able to test children of all ages. A nurse will only visit if you shared your details with the door knockers.

If you missed the door knockers, you will need to get your child tested at a hospital testing clinic, the drive-through test site in Fawkner (anyone 5+ years) or at a pop-up mobile testing clinic. 

Click here for a list of hospital testing clinic locations.

Can I go to another drive-through clinic?

Yes, but you can only get tested at other drive-through locations if you have symptoms. 

I missed the door knockers and haven't received an at-home testing kit. Can I register for the kit?

If you missed the door knockers and haven't had a kit left at your house, you will need to consider other testing options.

I took the test but my results are taking a while to come back. Is it normal?

Yes, it varies for everyone. If you are waiting for your test result, call the Department's COVID-19 Test Results Hotline on 1800 573 222.

I'm feeling anxious and worried about not receiving my results. What can I do?

Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support is available 24/7. It's free. Visit the website or call 1800 512 348.


Who can get tested?

You can only be tested if you have one or more symptoms, even if mild. Click here to find out about symptoms.

If you don't have symptoms, you will not be tested, even if you have a letter from your employer, school or community group asking that you be tested. 

There are some exceptions to this – to get further advice, call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline 1800 675 398 or call your general practitioner.

Who does the test?

Testing at the current mobile site is done by qualified staff from local clinics.  

Where can I get tested?

Information can be found on the Department of Health and Human Services website here under the heading 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing sites'. Before visiting, check whether you can get tested if you have no  symptoms. 

Where is the mobile test site in Fawkner?

Sports Hall
CB Smith Reserve
79 Jukes Road, Fawkner

Can my child get tested at the mobile testing in Fawkner?

Yes, children of all ages can be tested at the mobile testing sites.

How long will mobile test sites be available in Fawkner?

Until further notice - we will provide an update here when it has closed. As of 20 July, the mobile test site in Fawkner is located at:

Sports Hall
CB Smith Reserve
79 Jukes Road, Fawkner

As of 11 July, Glenroy (Cromwell St) and Brunswick (Gillon Oval on Hope St) mobile test sites have closed.

There are many other test sites. For other locations, click here.

Is saliva testing available at Fawkner?

No, only nose and throat swabs.

Is saliva testing available when tested at home?

No, only nose and throat swabs.

Where can children under five get tested?

Children under 5 years of age can be tested for coronavirus at:

Can my child get tested at the mobile test site in Fawkner?

Yes, mobile test sites in Fawkner can test children of all ages. 

What should I do after getting tested?

If you have symptoms, you must return home immediately after the test. You must wear a face covering on your way home. Do not make any stops on your way. There is a risk that you could have coronavirus (COVID-19) and could spread it to other people. You must remain in self-isolation at home until you find out your test result. For more information on self-isolating, see ‘What does quarantine or isolation involve?’ on the Quarantine and isolation page.

There is no need for others in the house to quarantine unless you are confirmed to have coronavirus (COVID-19). If you are sharing a house with others, see ‘What if I live with someone who is in quarantine?' on the Quarantine and isolation page for more information.

How long will the drive-through clinic in Fawkner be available?

The drive-through test site at Fawkner is now closed.  

I don't have a student ID or driver's license. Can I still get tested?

Yes, bring one form of identification like your passport or transport concession card. 

The testing clinic does not need to know your visa status.

I've received home testing kits but I've already been tested. Can I hold on to them and use them at a later date?

No, testing kits need to be used as soon as possible.

I've received home testing kits but I've already been tested. Can I give them back?


I took the test but my results are taking a while to come back. Is it normal?

Yes, it varies for everyone. If you are waiting for your test result, call the Department's COVID-19 Test Results Hotline on 1800 573 222.

I'm feeling anxious and worried about not receiving my results. What can I do?

Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support is available 24/7. It's free. Visit the website or call 1800 512 348.