Carers explore creative expression through Art-for-Fun workshop

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Published April 02 2024

On Wednesday 20th March, several carers attended the Art for Fun workshop at Sussex Neighbourhood House in Pascoe Vale.

Led by experienced Multimedia Artist Deb Gidley, the session provided participants with art materials to create their own unique pieces, which they took home afterward.

The experience was cathartic for carers, many of whom had not participated in an art class for many years. Beyond the creative activity, they appreciated the opportunity to connect with fellow carers, socialise, and enjoy a meal together.

Sandra Leone, Community Engagement Advisor at Merri Health Carer Services who organised the event, stated the day was relaxed and full of laughter. People were calm and happy, letting themselves get fully emersed in their creative work.

It was great to see the smiling faces and the encouragement they all gave each other.

The event was a great success, and the Community Engagement team looks forward to offering more creative opportunities for carers in the future.