Ambulance Victoria joins Merri in raising awareness of stroke

stroke awareness

Published February 24 2023

Over 25 community members joined Ambulance Victoria for an information-packed seminar on heat stroke and cardiovascular stroke.

Merri Health collaborated with Ambulance Victoria to host a morning tea aimed to educate the community on the signs of stroke (heat and cardiovascular), how to deal with the heat (and snakes!!) and how to react when you see someone having a cardiovascular stroke.

Participants enjoyed freshly baked (on-site) muffins, hot drinks and a chance to chat with Ambulance Victoria Paramedics. Participants took home goodie bags with important information, sunscreen, UV key rings and a water bottle.


Stef Pellegrino, Merri Health Living Well Ageing Well Project Officer said:

“Thanks to Ambulance Victoria who came to present an educational and capacity building seminar on heat and cardiovascular stroke awareness to the local community.”

Participants were engaged during the session with important questions being asked throughout, especially on drinking water and snake bites. The feedback from the local Merri-Bek community was very positive.

One participant said:

"Thanks so much for today, the seminar was very informative. I took lots of notes and got a lot of out the session."


Programs Involved

Carer Services & Carer Gateway

Working in partnership with carers and offering a range of supports, services and activities to strengthen their wellbeing and the wellbeing of the person they are caring for.

A carer looks after someone with disability, a medical condition, mental illness or who is frail due to age.

Find out more.

Healthy Ageing

One-on-one support to develop meaningful connections and promote healthy ageing for people aged 50 years and over.

Anyone aged between 50 and 64 who does not receive other government support such as NDIS funding can access our program.

Find out more.

Social Support Programs

Merri's social groups are known as Social Support Programs. They help older people and people with dementia to stay healthy, active, stay connected and living in the community for as long as possible.

We run interesting and fun activities at our sites and within the community, such as walking groups, garden program, arts and crafts, exercise classes, multicultural groups, special memory programs and social outings.

Find out more.