Lift the Lid Walk 2021

Lift the Lid Merriverse


October 10 2021

Going for a walk?

Video call your friends, family and workmates and join the Lift the Lid Walk on Sunday 10 October.

Proudly sponsored by Merri Health, Moreland Rotary's Lift the Lid Walk, aims to get our community walking and talking (following COVID restrictions) about mental health.

Want to join? Book here: Moreland | LIFT THE LID WALK
Don't forget to send us a photo on your walk:

Especially in these recent times, it's crucial to raise awareness of mental health issues, talk to someone if you're not feeling 100%, and get some physical exercise. 

Lift the Lid Walk raises funds for ARH Mental Health Research, raises awareness of supports available to those experiencing mental health issues, and helps break down the barriers and stigma associated with mental ill health.

Find out more: LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health