Carers: Understanding medications

Medication web


June 28 2017
9.30am - 1.00pm
CarerLinks North, Entrance 2, Level 2, 110 Chifley Drive, Preston

Free event

An informative session for carers and family of a person living with dementia or
memory loss. Presented by Jenny Gowan (PhD), 2016 Australian Consultant Pharmacist of the Year.

What will I learn?

  • Understand the difference between medications that treat dementia and medications that treat symptoms of dementia
  • Learn about the effects that medicines may have on symptoms of dementia
  • Gain confidence to ask your doctor or pharmacist questions about medications
  • Learn about accessing a Home Medicine Review

Who is this for?

Carers and family of a person living with dementia or memory loss who live in the Northern metropolitan region of Melbourne.


By Wednesday, 21 June

Call: Michaela on 03 9495 2575 or Anna on 03 9495 2553


Important information

In-home respite and/or a contribution towards the cost of transport may be available upon request when you RSVP.

Lunch provided from 12.00pm - 1:00pm. Please tell us if you have any dietary requirements or if you need an interpreter.