Happy Three-Year Anniversary Carer Gateway!

Happy Third Anniversary Carer Gateway 1

Published April 24 2023

Carer Gateway is 3! What a ride it’s been rolling-out a new service, brand and partnership all while navigating the impacts of the biggest health crisis in a century. Carer Gateway launched across Victoria in April 2020 – just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit. While COVID slowed our operations and many planned activities, we showed our adaptability, delivering services and programs online, while continuing to evolve and grow.

As we celebrate three years, it is heart-warming to see the program growing from strength to strength and making a difference to more lives each day. It is a privilege to work together with such caring, compassionate and dedicated workers across the consortium to serve carers in our community. 
Some fantastic stats from the past year:

  • we supported 22,211 carers, an increase of 36% from the previous year
  • we had a 15% increase of new carers registering with the service
  • 38,215 carer directed package services were created
  • 12,470 emergency respite services were provided

What’s next for Carer Gateway in Victoria?

  • rolling out the Enhanced Carer Support Pathway Project in partnership with the Department of Health and Department of Social Services to increase awareness of Carer Gateway services and referrals through My Aged Care
  • codesigning state-wide Young Carer Guidelines with health providers and the Department of Education to increase awareness of young carers in schools
  • continuing to develop innovative strategies and partnerships to reach marginalised populations
  • implementing an automated Contract Management System to improve on-boarding