Genevieve Morris finds balance in her career and caregiving


Published December 19 2023

Actress and comedian Genevieve Morris joined the estimated 2.65 million unpaid carers in Australia when her daughter, now aged 18, was diagnosed with mental illness.
For the past five years, her family has been navigating anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, an eating disorder, suicidal ideation, paranoia and drug and alcohol abuse.

“I didn’t realise I was a carer until someone pointed it out to me, because when you’re a mum you’re caring for your child from the day they’re born. But in this sense, being a carer involves taking my daughter to a multitude of medical appointments, supporting her mental health, navigating tricky schooling and hospital stays, and being an advocate,” says Genevieve.

Like many carers, Genevieve found the demands of being a carer hugely impacted her ability to work and be independent – or even to simply find time for herself.

“I didn’t realise I was a carer until someone pointed it out to me, because when you’re a mum you’re caring for your child from the day they’re born.” “I’ve had to scale back on work. I haven’t been able to work interstate for several years and there have been times when I’ve had to ask my agent to just not contact me for a period of time. I’ve had to say, ‘I’m not an actor, I’m not a presenter, I’m not a comedian. I just need to be a mother and a carer.’”

Genevieve has found accessing information and becoming part of a local carers network helpful on her carer journey. Genevieve especially enjoyed an art therapy program she took part in.