Carer Gateway coaching inspires artist

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Published July 26 2022

Carer coached to get back into art!

Thuc lives in Melbourne’s west and registered with Carer Gateway in March 2022. Thuc, who has a Bachelor of Fine Art and a Diploma in Graphic Art, has been in her caring role for more than 13 years.

She previously worked in animation, and once painted a piano for the Vietnamese Families with Special Needs Play Me, I’m Yours project, which places pianos in public places for people to play.

However once Thuc married and had children, she became focused on her children.

After Thuc registered with Carer Gateway, she began using the free coaching service for carers. Thuc has since worked with Merri Health carer coach Brenda to focus on goal setting, future planning and identifying actions to take to achieve her goals.

The carer coaching supported Thuc to reach her personal goals and reclaim her artistic identity now that her children are older and she has capacity.

Alongside wanting to work on her own art pieces, Thuc wanted to be a part of a creative community. The coaching helped her identify joining art hubs where she could meet likeminded artists to help achieve this.

Thuc’s ultimate goal is to one day have her own art exhibition.

Thuc is well on her way to reaching her goals! The coaching has reignited her artistry. Thuc has expressed feeling like her life is starting again, and that she is enjoying her day-to-day life more.